Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I had become a red shirt from my skills in football. I thought that it was banned but i guessed wrong. Hammer, the camp leader made us play football for the enjoyment of watching us beat on each other. He makes us play every day and says we will play the another camp called the "Coca Cola" plant.

When we heard more about the game the next week we were all kind of scared of getting beat. The kids were most likely going to be faster, bigger and stronger, and our only hope was Rhino. He was my roommate and was the biggest at the camp. We would give him the ball and just take off running. We hope no one can stop him?


The camp I am heading to is the 3-8-7. This place is suppose to be a secure camp with bears. They only feed you pizza and coca cola but if you are a red shirt you get to have Frazier's. I would love to be a red shirt and eat Frazier's all day.
The camp is terrible! They treat us like dogs and i have the worst roommate. This kid is way bigger and tougher, and i don't want to get into a fight. He got sent here from beating up a kid and braking his nose. I hope I'm not the next one.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I have to go to court in a few days because of the fight. I should of known to stop myself from doing it. Well on the bright side i feel goo about it and i let out my anger. Karhlos asked for it because of my girlfriend and he knew i would do something. To bad for him.
The court is tomorrow and i have no one to stand up for me. We don't have enough money to buy a lawyer so gramps will be it. I probable will not win so ill be sent to the reformatory camp for a while. Hope it goes well, wish me luck.

The mash at the mall.

I head to the mall to go look for my girlfriend. Her mom told me she was not home and said to check the mall. When i got to the mall i saw her but with karhlos. I thought i told him to stay away from my girlfriend but he didn't listen.
When i approached him he was kind of scared but i was furious. I told him hat he was doing with her but he just stared at me. I asked him again and she told me they were just hanging out but it didn't look like that. I walked up in his face and punched him. He just moved before i hit him and i skinned his face. The security camera zapped me and that's what i remembered.

The Rash.

Today i aparently i started a rash. I was walking into class when i bumped into Karhlos and broke out. He told everyone that i had given it to him but i didnt have a rash. Mean while people in suits came in and escorted him out of the room.
The next day there was one student sitting next to me. She said everyone was acting stupid about and i agreed to. A few second later everyone screamed and i saw her face swelled and the same people in suits cam in. This time they took both of us out of the class.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Race!

Day 1- The day of the race is a few days away and i know that I'm going to win it. I am racing against foolish Karhlos mink and i know i will beat him. When i race i only think about the bear. Gramps told me that when he used to race he always thought that he was being chased by a bear and it helped him. If he can use it i can use it!Wish me luck!
Race day! Got up early to have a good breakfast and take my mourning jog. Todays the day to get the win. Only thing ill think about is the bear, and if i do it will will be a good victory against MINK.